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SV T-Shirt Design Competition

Hello everyone,

It’s t-shirt design time!  Every year we call on students to design the wonderful t-shirt that our SVs wear! If your design is selected, you get a free SV spot! That means you move off the waitlist, or if you’re already accepted, you can give the spot to a friend (as long as they are also a student). This year the deadline is Friday, February 14, 2020, and your submissions should be sent to svchair@chi2020.acm.org with the subject: T-Shirt Design Contest.

Design details:

You may want to connect your design to the location (Honolulu, Hawai’i), or not, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s respectful of local culture, fun, interesting, and can stand out a bit in the crowd.

Please send us front/back designs, noting that we cannot print on sleeves or the extreme edges of the shirts. Designs should be ONE color. In general, this means a black or white design on a colored shirt.

The imprint size is roughly 11″ wide and 13″ high front or back.

You can find the CHI 2020 logo information here: https://chi2020.acm.org/press-and-media/chi-2020-logo/

Make sure you use the full logo, not just the flower.

Submissions details:

Mock-ups should be sent as PDF, JPG, or PNG in medium resolution. If your design is selected as a winning design, we will require the final version in an .eps or .ai format.

You may submit several designs or variations on a single design, should you so desire.

Please follow the following naming convention for each of your designs: lastname_firstname_tshirtdesign.<ext>

The deadline is Friday, February 14, 2020, at 23:59 EST to submit your designs to svchair@chi2020.acm.org with the subject: T-Shirt Design Contest.  We will select a winner in the week following the end of the contest and notify the winner as well to everyone who submitted designs.

Here are some photos from previous SV T-shirts, courtesy of our wonderful past chair Haley MacLeod:

Thank you and we’re looking forward to seeing your creativity!

Jessica Colnago and Nicole Sultanum
SV Chairs CHI 2020, Honolulu, Hawai‘i