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CHI 2020 Best Papers & Honourable Mentions

The SIGCHI “Best of CHI” awards honour exceptional submissions to SIGCHI sponsored conferences.

A total of 31 Papers received a Best Paper award (top 1% of submissions), 125 papers received Honourable Mention (remaining top 5% of submissions). Process: the Best Paper Committee, which includes the Awards Chairs and 19 committee members (one from each subcommittee), adjudicated the selection of the Best Papers and Honourable Mentions based on nomination scores and paragraphs that were provided by the CHI Associate Chairs.

The full list of Best Papers and Honourable Mentions for CHI 2020 is included below.

 CHI 2020 Best Papers

 PenSight: Enhanced Interaction with a Pen-Top Camera
Fabrice Matulic, Riku Arakawa, Brian Vogel & Daniel Vogel

 texSketch: Active Diagramming through Pen-and-Ink Annotations
Hariharan Subramonyam, Colleen Seifert, Priti Shah & Eytan Adar

 Designing Clinical AAC Tablet Applications with Adults who have Mild Intellectual Disabilities
Ryan Colin Gibson, Mark D. Dunlop, Matt-Mouley Bouamrane & Revathy Nayar

 Robots for Inclusive Play: Co-designing an Educational Game With Visually Impaired and sighted Children
Oussama Metatla, Sandra Bardot, Clare Cullen, Marcos Serrano & Christophe Jouffrais

 Mental Models of AI Agents in a Cooperative Game Setting
Katy Ilonka Gero, Zahra Ashktorab, Casey Dugan, Qian Pan, James Johnson, Werner Geyer, Maria Ruiz, Sarah Miller, David R. Millen, Murray Campbell, Sadhana Kumaravel & Wei Zhang

 Color and Animation Preferences for a Light Band eHMI in Interactions Between Automated Vehicles and Pedestrians
Debargha Dey, Azra Habibovic, Bastian Pfleging, Marieke Martens & Jacques Terken

 MRAT: The Mixed Reality Analytics Toolkit
Michael Nebeling, Maximilian Speicher, Xizi Wang, Shwetha Rajaram, Brian D. Hall, Zijian Xie, Alexander R. E. Raistrick, Michelle Aebersold, Edward G. Happ, Jiayin Wang, Yanan Sun, Lotus Zhang, Leah E. Ramsier & Rhea Kulkarni

 Critical Race Theory for HCI
Ihudiya Finda Ogbonnaya-Ogburu, Angela D.R. Smith, Alexandra To & Kentaro Toyama

 Wrex: A Unified Programming-by-Example Interaction for Synthesizing Readable Code for Data Scientists
Ian Drosos, Titus Barik, Philip J. Guo, Robert DeLine & Sumit Gulwani

 Co-Designing Checklists to Understand Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI
Michael A. Madaio, Luke Stark, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan & Hanna Wallach

 Transparency of CHI Research Artifacts: Results of a Self-Reported Survey
Chat Wacharamanotham, Lukas Eisenring, Steve Haroz & Florian Echtler

 Wireality: Enabling Complex Tangible Geometries in Virtual Reality with Worn Multi-String Haptics
Cathy Fang, Yang Zhang, Matthew Dworman & Chris Harrison

 Touching and Being in Touch with the Menstruating Body
Nadia Campo Woytuk, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Marianela Ciolfi Felice & Madeline Balaam

 Designing Ambient Narrative-Based Interfaces to Reflect and Motivate Physical Activity
Elizabeth L. Murnane, Xin Jiang, Anna Kong, Michelle Park, Weili Shi, Connor Soohoo, Luke Vink, Iris Xia, Xin Yu, John Yang-Sammataro, Grace Young, Jenny Zhi, Paula Moya & James A. Landay

 A Design Engineering Approach for Quantitatively Exploring Context-Aware Sentence Retrieval for Nonspeaking Individuals with Motor Disabilities
Per Ola Kristensson, James Lilley, Rolf Black & Annalu Waller

 ReFind: Design, Lived Experience and Ongoingness in Bereavement
Jayne Wallace, Kyle Montague, Trevor Duncan, Luís P. Carvalho, Nantia Koulidou, Jamie Mahoney, Kellie Morrissey, Claire Craig, Linnea Iris Groot, Shaun Lawson, Patrick Olivier, Julie Trueman & Helen Fisher

 Designing and Evaluating Calmer, a Device for Simulating Maternal Skin-to-Skin Holding for Premature Infants
Sabrina Hauser, Melinda J. Suto, Liisa Holsti, Manon Ranger & Karon E. MacLean

 On Being Iterated: The Affective Demands of Design Participation
Paul Dourish, Christopher Lawrence, Tuck Wah Leong & Greg Wadley

 The Role of Everyday Sounds in Advanced Dementia Care
Maarten Houben, Rens Brankaert, Saskia Bakker, Gail Kenning, Inge Bongers & Berry Eggen

 Isness: Using Multi-Person VR to Design Peak Mystical Type Experiences Comparable to Psychedelics
David R. Glowacki, Mark D. Wonnacott, Rachel Freire, Becca R. Glowacki, Ella M. Gale, James E. Pike, Tiu de Haan, Mike Chatziapostolou & Oussama Metatla

 Me vs. Super(wo)man: Effects of Customization and Identification in a VR Exergame
Jordan Koulouris, Zoe Jeffery, James Best, Eamonn O’Neill & Christof Lutteroth

 Articulating Experience: Reflections from Experts Applying Micro-Phenomenology to Design Research in HCI
Mirjana Prpa, Sarah Fdili-Alaoui, Thecla Schiphorst & Philippe Pasquier

 Designing Trans Technology: Defining Challenges and Envisioning Community-Centered Solutions
Oliver L. Haimson, Dykee Gorrell, Denny L. Starks & Zu Weinger

 Connecting Distributed Families: Camera Work for Three-party Mobile Video Calls
Yumei Gan, Christian Greiffenhagen & Stuart Reeves

 Creating Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications: Current Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities
Narges Ashtari, Andrea Bunt, Joanna McGrenere, Michael Nebeling & Parmit K. Chilana

 Exploring How Game Genre in Student-Designed Games Influences Computational Thinking Development
Giovanni Maria Troiano, Qinyu Chen, Angela Vargas Alba, Gregorio Robles, Michael Cassidy, Eli Tucker-Raymond, Gillian Puttick & Casper Harteveld

 Beyond the Prototype: Understanding the Challenge of Scaling Hardware Device Production
Rushil Khurana & Steve Hodges

 Techniques for Flexible Responsive Visualization Design
Jane Hoffswell, Wilmot Li & Zhicheng Liu

 Trigeminal-based Temperature Illusions
Jas Brooks, Steven Nagels & Pedro Lopes

 Design Study “Lite” Methodology: Expediting Design Studies and Enabling the Synergy of Visualization Pedagogy and Social Good
Uzma Haque Syeda, Prasanth Murali, Lisa Roe, Becca Berkey & Michelle A. Borkin

 Bug or Feature? Covert Impairments to Human Computer Interaction
John V Monaco

 CHI 2020 Honourable Mentions

 Phasking on Paper: Accessing a Continuum of PHysically Assisted SKetchING
Soheil Kianzad, Yuxiang Huang, Robert Xiao & Karon E. MacLean

 Peer-to-Peer Energy Markets: Understanding the Values of Collective and Community Trading
Denise J. Wilkins, Ruzanna Chitchyan & Mark Levine

 Evaluating ‘Prefer not to say’ Around Sensitive Disclosures
Mark Warner, Agnieszka Kitkowska, Jo Gibbs, Juan F. Maestre & Ann Blandford

 Data Everyday: Data Literacy Practices in a Division I College Sports Context
Tamara Clegg, Daniel M. Greene, Nate Beard & Jasmine Brunson

 TalkingBoogie: Collaborative Mobile AAC System for Non-verbal Children with Developmental Disabilities and Their Caregivers
Donghoon Shin, Jaeyoon Song, Seokwoo Song, Jisoo Park, Joonhwan Lee & Soojin Jun

 Student Engagement in Sensitive Design Contexts
Sarah Foley, Nadia Pantidi & John McCarthy

 Social Acceptability in HCI: A Survey of Methods, Measures, and Design Strategies
Marion Koelle, Swamy Ananthanarayan & Susanne Boll

 The Politics of Privacy Theories: Moving from Norms to Vulnerabilities
Nora McDonald & Andrea Forte

 “On Finsta, I can say ‘Hail Satan'”: Being Authentic but Disagreeable on Instagram
Lee Taber & Steve Whittaker

 Experiential Qualities of Whispering with Voice Assistants
Emmi Parviainen & Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard

 See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil: How Collegiate Players Define, Experience and Cope with Toxicity
Selen Türkay, Jessica Formosa, Sonam Adinolf, Robert Cuthbert & Roger Altizer

 Power Play: How the Need to Empower or Overpower Other Players Predicts Preferences in League of Legends
Susanne Poeller, Nicola Baumann & Regan L. Mandryk

 Developing a Personality Model for Speech-based Conversational Agents Using the Psycholexical Approach
Sarah Theres Völkel, Ramona Schödel, Daniel Buschek, Clemens Stachl, Verena Winterhalter, Markus Bühner & Heinrich Hussmann

 Interpreting Interpretability: Understanding Data Scientists’ Use of Interpretability Tools for Machine Learning
Harmanpreet Kaur, Harsha Nori, Samuel Jenkins, Rich Caruana, Hanna Wallach & Jennifer Wortman Vaughan

 Rapid Iron-On User Interfaces: Hands-on Fabrication of Interactive Textile Prototypes
Konstantin Klamka, Raimund Dachselt & Jürgen Steimle

 Truncating the Y-Axis: Threat or Menace?
Michael Correll, Enrico Bertini & Steven Franconeri

 A Human-Centered Review of Algorithms used within the U.S. Child Welfare System
Devansh Saxena, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela J. Wisniewski & Shion Guha

 OralCam: Enabling Self-Examination and Awareness of Oral Health Using a Smartphone Camera
Yuan Liang, Hsuan Wei Fan, Zhujun Fang, Leiying Miao, Wen Li, Xuan Zhang, Weibin Sun, Kun Wang, Lei He & Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen

 AutoGain: Gain Function Adaptation with Submovement Efficiency Optimization
Byungjoo Lee, Mathieu Nancel, Sunjun Kim & Antti Oulasvirta

 How Domain Experts Create Conceptual Diagrams and Implications for Tool Design
Dor Ma’ayan, Wode Ni, Katherine Ye, Chinmay Kulkarni & Joshua Sunshine

 A View on the Viewer: Gaze-Adaptive Captions for Videos
Kuno Kurzhals, Fabian Göbel, Katrin Angerbauer, Michael Sedlmair & Martin Raubal

 ShArc: A Geometric Technique for Multi-Bend/Shape Sensing
Fereshteh Shahmiri & Paul H. Dietz

 Please Call the Specialism: Using WeChat to Support Patient Care in China
Ding Wang, Santosh D. Kale & Jacki O’Neill

 Defining Haptic Experience: Foundations for Understanding, Communicating, and Evaluating HX
Erin Kim & Oliver Schneider

 Collaborative Technologies for Children with Special Needs
Gökçe Elif Baykal, Maarten Van Mechelen & Eva Eriksson

 Miniature Haptics: Experiencing Haptic Feedback through Hand-based and Embodied Avatars
Bo-Xiang Wang, Yu-Wei Wang, Yen-Kai Chen, Chun-Miao Tseng, Min-Chien Hsu, Cheng An Hsieh, Hsin-Ying Lee & Mike Y. Chen

 Is Too Much System Caution Counterproductive? Effects of Varying Sensitivity and Automation Levels in Vehicle Collision Avoidance Systems
Ernestine Fu, Mishel Johns, David A. B. Hyde, Srinath Sibi, Martin Fischer & David Sirkin

 Re-examining Whether, Why, and How Human-AI Interaction Is Uniquely Difficult to Design
Qian Yang, Aaron Steinfeld, Carolyn Rosé & John Zimmerman

 Wearable Microphone Jamming
Yuxin Chen, Huiying Li, Shan-Yuan Teng, Steven Nagels, Zhijing Li, Pedro Lopes, Ben Y. Zhao & Haitao Zheng

 “My Library Has Just Been Obliterated”: Producing New Norms of Use Via Software Update
Fabio Morreale & Maria Eriksson

 Studying the Effects of Cognitive Biases in Evaluation of Conversational Agents
Sashank Santhanam, Alireza Karduni & Samira Shaikh

 WithYou: Automated Adaptive Speech Tutoring With Context-Dependent Speech Recognition
Xinlei Zhang, Takashi Miyaki & Jun Rekimoto

 Culture in Action: Unpacking Capacities to Inform Assets-Based Design
Marisol Wong-Villacres, Carl DiSalvo, Neha Kumar & Betsy DiSalvo

 PneuSleeve: In-fabric Multimodal Actuation and Sensing in a Soft, Compact, and Expressive Haptic Sleeve
Mengjia Zhu, Amirhossein H. Memar, Aakar Gupta, Majed Samad, Priyanshu Agarwal, Yon Visell, Sean J. Keller & Nicholas Colonnese

 Modeling the Endpoint Uncertainty in Crossing-based Moving Target Selection
Jin Huang, Feng Tian, Xiangmin Fan, Huawei Tu, Hao Zhang, Xiaolan Peng & Hongan Wang

 Making Design Memoirs: Understanding and Honoring Difficult Experiences
Laura Devendorf, Kristina Andersen & Aisling Kelliher

 Virtual Reality Without Vision: A Haptic and Auditory White Cane to Navigate Complex Virtual Worlds
Alexa F. Siu, Mike Sinclair, Robert Kovacs, Eyal Ofek, Christian Holz & Edward Cutrell

 Supporting Stimulation Needs in Dementia Care through Wall-Sized Displays
Corina Sas, Nigel Davies, Sarah Clinch, Peter Shaw, Mateusz Mikusz, Madeleine Steeds & Lukas Nohrer

 Community Collectives: Low-tech Social Support for Digitally-Engaged Entrepreneurship
Julie Hui, Nefer Ra Barber, Wendy Casey, Suzanne Cleage, Danny C. Dolley, Frances Worthy, Kentaro Toyama & Tawanna R. Dillahunt

 Conversational Agency in Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Stephanie Valencia, Amy Pavel, Jared Santa Maria, Seunga (Gloria) Yu, Jeffrey P. Bigham & Henny Admoni

 Evaluating the Information Security Awareness of Smartphone Users
Ron Bitton, Kobi Boymgold, Rami Puzis & Asaf Shabtai

 See, Feel, Move
Daniel Kepplinger, Günter Wallner, Simone Kriglstein & Michael Lankes

 Levitation Simulator: Prototyping Ultrasonic Levitation Interfaces in Virtual Reality
Viktorija Paneva, Myroslav Bachynskyi & Jörg Müller

 Taking Data Out of Context to Hyper-Personalize Ads
Julia Hanson, Miranda Wei, Sophie Veys, Matthew Kugler, Lior Strahilevitz & Blase Ur

 Surfacing Visualization Mirages
Andrew McNutt, Gordon Kindlmann & Michael Correll

 Random, Messy, Funny, Raw: Finstas as Intimate Reconfigurations of Social Media
Sijia Xiao, Danaë Metaxa, Joon Sung Park, Karrie Karahalios & Niloufar Salehi

 How Visualizing Inferential Uncertainty Can Mislead Readers About Treatment Effects in Scientific Results
Jake M. Hofman, Daniel G. Goldstein & Jessica Hullman

 Supporting the Supporters of Unaccompanied Migrant Youth
Franziska Tachtler, Toni Michel, Petr Slovák & Geraldine Fitzpatrick

 A Probabilistic Grammar of Graphics
Xiaoying Pu & Matthew Kay

 Towards Inclusive External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles for Pedestrians with Vision Impairments
Mark Colley, Marcel Walch, Jan Gugenheimer, Ali Askari & Enrico Rukzio

 Weaving by Touch: A Case Analysis of Accessible Making
Maitraye Das, Katya Borgos-Rodriguez & Anne Marie Piper

 Social Comparison and Facebook
Moira Burke, Justin Cheng & Bethany de Gant

 FamilyStories: Asynchronous Audio Storytelling for Family Members Across Time Zones
Yasamin Heshmat, Carman Neustaedter, Kyle McCaffrey, William Odom, Ron Wakkary & Zikun Yang

 Detecting Gender Stereotypes: Lexicon vs. Supervised Learning Methods
Jenna Cryan, Shiliang Tang, Xinyi Zhang, Miriam Metzger, Haitao Zheng & Ben Y. Zhao

 CreaTable Content and Tangible Interaction in Aphasia
Timothy Neate, Abi Roper, Stephanie Wilson, Jane Marshall & Madeline Cruice

 Glissade: Generating Balance Shifting Feedback to Facilitate Auxiliary Digital Pen Input
Kai-Chieh Huang, Chen-Kuo Sun, Da-Yuan Huang, Yu-Chun Chen, Ruei-Che Chang, Shuo-wen Hsu, Chih-Yun Yang & Bing-Yu Chen

 Integrating the Digital and the Traditional to Deliver Therapy for Depression
Katarzyna Stawarz, Chris Preist, Deborah Tallon, Laura Thomas, Katrina Turner, Nicola Wiles, David Kessler, Roz Shafran & David Coyle

 Chasm: A Screw Based Expressive Compact Haptic Actuator
Pornthep Preechayasomboon, Ali Israr & Majed Samad

 TangibleCircuits: An Interactive 3D Printed Circuit Education Tool for People with Visual Impairments
Josh Urban Davis, Te-Yen Wu, Bo Shi, Hanyi Lu, Athina Panotopoulou, Emily Whiting & Xing-Dong Yang

 Reinforcement Learning for the Adaptive Scheduling of Educational Activities
Jonathan Bassen, Bharathan Balaji, Michael Schaarschmidt, Candace Thille, Jay Painter, Dawn Zimmaro, Alex Games, Ethan Fast & John C. Mitchell

 Amazon vs. My Brother: How Users of Shared Smart Speakers Perceive and Cope with Privacy Risks
Yue Huang, Borke Obada-Obieh & Konstantin Beznosov

 Opportunities and Challenges in Involving Users in Project-Based HCI Education
Wendy Roldan, Xin Gao, Allison Marie Hishikawa, Tiffany Ku, Ziyue Li, Echo Zhang, Jon E. Froehlich & Jason Yip

 Heartbeats in the Wild: A Field Study Exploring ECG Biometrics in Everyday Life
Florian Lehmann & Daniel Buschek

 Augmented Reality to Enable Users in Learning Case Grammar from Their Real-World Interactions
Fiona Draxler, Audrey Labrie, Albrecht Schmidt & Lewis L. Chuang

 CollabAR – Investigating the Mediating Role of Mobile AR Interfaces on Co-Located Group Collaboration
Thomas Wells & Steven Houben

 Political Hashtags & the Lost Art of Democratic Discourse
Eugenia Ha Rim Rho & Melissa Mazmanian

 ProtoSpray: Combining 3D Printing and Spraying to Create Interactive Displays with Arbitrary Shapes
Ollie Hanton, Michael Wessely, Stefanie Mueller, Mike Fraser & Anne Roudaut

 Characterizing Twitter Users Who Engage in Adversarial Interactions against Political Candidates
Yiqing Hua, Mor Naaman & Thomas Ristenpart

 Will Deleting History Make Alexa More Trustworthy?
Eugene Cho, S. Shyam Sundar, Saeed Abdullah & Nasim Motalebi

 MagneLayer: Force Field Fabrication by Layered Magnetic Sheets
Kentaro Yasu

 Do You Feel Like Passing Through Walls?: Effect of Self-Avatar Appearance on Facilitating Realistic Behavior in Virtual Environments
Nami Ogawa, Takuji Narumi, Hideaki Kuzuoka & Michitaka Hirose

 “Nobody Speaks that Fast!” An Empirical Study of Speech Rate in Conversational Agents for People with Vision Impairments
Dasom Choi, Daehyun Kwak, Minji Cho & Sangsu Lee

 Examining the Adoption and Abandonment of Security, Privacy, and Identity Theft Protection Practices
Yixin Zou, Kevin Roundy, Acar Tamersoy, Saurabh Shintre, Johann Roturier & Florian Schaub

 Introducing Gamettes: A Playful Approach for Capturing Decision-Making for Informing Behavioral Models
Omid Mohaddesi, Yifan Sun, Rana Azghandi, Rozhin Doroudi, Sam Snodgrass, Ozlem Ergun, Jacqueline Griffin, David Kaeli, Stacy Marsella & Casper Harteveld

 Others’ Images: Online Social Media, Architectural Improvisations, and Spatial Marginalization in Bangladesh
Nusrat Jahan Mim & Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed

 Does Context in Privacy Communication Really Matter? — A Survey on Consumer Concerns and Preferences
Nico Ebert, Kurt Alexander Ackermann & Peter Heinrich

 Questioning the AI: Informing Design Practices for Explainable AI User Experiences
Q. Vera Liao, Daniel Gruen & Sarah Miller

 "We Hold Each Other Accountable": Unpacking How Social Groups Approach Cybersecurity and Privacy Together
Hue Watson, Eyitemi Moju-Igbene, Akanksha Kumari & Sauvik Das

 Scenario Co-Creation Cards: A Culturally Sensitive Tool for Eliciting Values
Taghreed Alshehri, Reuben Kirkham & Patrick Olivier

 Be Water: Technologies in the Leaderless Anti-ELAB Movement in Hong Kong
Yong Ming Kow, Bonnie Nardi & Wai Kuen Cheng

 Memory through Design: Supporting Cultural Identity for Immigrants through a Paper-Based Home Drafting Tool
Dina Sabie, Samar Sabie & Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed

 Physiologically Driven Storytelling: Concept and Software Tool
Jérémy Frey, Gilad Ostrin, May Grabli & Jessica R. Cauchard

 What a Driver Wants: User Preferences in Semi-Autonomous Vehicle Decision-Making
So Yeon Park, Dylan James Moore & David Sirkin

 The Impact of Displaying Diversity Information on the Formation of Self-assembling Teams
Diego Gómez-Zará, Mengzi Guo, Leslie A. DeChurch & Noshir Contractor

 Exploring Nudge Designs to Help Adolescent SNS Users Avoid Privacy and Safety Threats
Hiroaki Masaki, Kengo Shibata, Shui Hoshino, Takahiro Ishihama, Nagayuki Saito & Koji Yatani

 Stop and Smell the Chalk Flowers
Marius Hoggenmueller, Luke Hespanhol & Martin Tomitsch

 Ethics in Movement: Shaping and Being Shaped in Human-Drone Interaction
Sara Eriksson, Kristina Höök, Richard Shusterman, Dag Svanes, Carl Unander-Scharin & Åsa Unander-Scharin

 An Empirical Comparison of Technologically Mediated Advertising in Under-connected Populations
Mustafa Naseem, Bilal Saleem, Sacha St-Onge Ahmad, Jay Chen & Agha Ali Raza

 Improving Virtual Reality Ergonomics Through Reach-Bounded Non-Linear Input Amplification
Johann Wentzel, Greg d’Eon & Daniel Vogel

 Get a Grip: Evaluating Grip Gestures for VR Input using a Lightweight Pen
Nianlong Li, Teng Han, Feng Tian, Jin Huang, Minghui Sun, Pourang Irani & Jason Alexander

 Getting the Healthcare We Want: The Use of Online “Ask the Doctor” Platforms in Practice
Xianghua Ding, Xinning Gui, Xiaojuan Ma, Zhaofei Ding & Yunan Chen

 A Skin-Stroke Display on the Eye-Ring Through Head-Mounted Displays
Wen-Jie Tseng, Yi-Chen Lee, Roshan L. Peiris & Liwei Chan

 Dynamic Motor Skill Synthesis with Human-Machine Mutual Actuation
Azumi Maekawa, Seito Matsubara, Sohei Wakisaka, Daisuke Uriu, Atsushi Hiyama & Masahiko Inami

 A Human-Centered Evaluation of a Deep Learning System Deployed in Clinics for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy
Emma Beede, Elizabeth Baylor, Fred Hersch, Anna Iurchenko, Lauren Wilcox, Paisan Ruamviboonsuk & Laura M. Vardoulakis

 Augmented Reality Training for Industrial Assembly Work – Are Projection-based AR Assistive Systems an Appropriate Tool for Assembly Training?
Sebastian Büttner, Michael Prilla & Carsten Röcker

 Self-Determination Theory in HCI Games Research: Current Uses and Open Questions
April Tyack & Elisa D. Mekler

 An Intermittent Click Planning Model
Eunji Park & Byungjoo Lee

 What is AI Literacy? Competencies and Design Considerations
Duri Long & Brian Magerko

 Twitter A11y: Making Images on Social Media Accessible
Cole Gleason, Amy Pavel, Emma McCamey, Christina Low, Patrick Carrington, Kris M Kitani & Jeffrey P Bigham

 What’s Wrong with Computational Notebooks? Pain Points, Needs, and Design Opportunities
Souti Chattopadhyay, Ishita Prasad, Austin Z. Henley, Anita Sarma & Titus Barik

 To Write Code: The Cultural Fabrication of Programming Notation and Practice
Ian Arawjo

 AL: An Adaptive Learning Support System for Argumentation Skills
Thiemo Wambsganss, Christina Niklaus, Matthias Cetto, Matthias Söllner, Siegfried Handschuh & Jan Marco Leimeister

 Callisto: Capturing the “Why” by Connecting Conversations with Computational Narratives
April Yi Wang, Zihan Wu, Christopher Brooks & Steve Oney

 Review of Quantitative Empirical Evaluations of Technology for People with Visual Impairments
Emeline Brulé, Brianna J. Tomlinson, Oussama Metatla, Christophe Jouffrais & Marcos Serrano

 Evaluating a Personalizable, Inconspicuous Vibrotactile(PIV) Breathing Pacer for In-the-Moment Affect Regulation
Pardis Miri, Emily Jusuf, Andero Uusberg, Horia Margarit, Robert Flory, Katherine Isbister, Keith Marzullo & James J. Gross

 Civic Empowerment through Digitalisation: the Case of Greenlandic Women
Nicola Wendt, Rikke Bjerg Jensen & Lizzie Coles-Kemp

 Personas and Analytics: A Comparative User Study of Efficiency and Effectiveness for a User Identification Task
Joni Salminen, Soon-Gyo Jung, Shammur Chowdhury, Sercan Şengün & Bernard J. Jansen

 InChorus: Designing Consistent Multimodal Interactions for Data Visualization on Tablet Devices
Arjun Srinivasan, Bongshin Lee, Nathalie Henry Riche, Steven M. Drucker & Ken Hinckley

 Keeping Community in the Loop: Understanding Wikipedia Stakeholder Values for Machine Learning-Based Systems
C. Estelle Smith, Bowen Yu, Anjali Srivastava, Aaron Halfaker, Loren Terveen & Haiyi Zhu

 Drone Chi: Somaesthetic Human-Drone Interaction
Joseph La Delfa, Mehmet Aydın Baytaş, Rakesh Patibanda, Hazel Ngari, Rohit Ashok Khot & Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller

 Composing Flexibly-Organized Step-by-Step Tutorials from Linked Source Code, Snippets, and Outputs
Andrew Head, Jason Jiang, James Smith, Marti A. Hearst & Björn Hartmann

 Food Literacy while Shopping: Motivating Informed Food Purchasing Behaviour with a Situated Gameful App
Marcela C. C. Bomfim, Sharon I. Kirkpatrick, Lennart E. Nacke & James R. Wallace

 Textlets: Supporting Constraints and Consistency in Text Documents
Han L. Han, Miguel A. Renom, Wendy E. Mackay & Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

 FrownOnError: Interrupting Responses from Smart Speakers by Facial Expressions
Yukang Yan, Chun Yu, Wengrui Zheng, Ruining Tang, Xuhai Xu & Yuanchun Shi

 Soma Design and Sensory Misalignment
Paul Tennent, Joe Marshall, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Charles Windlin, Kristina Höök & Miquel Alfaras

 User-defined Swarm Robot Control
Lawrence H. Kim, Daniel S. Drew, Veronika Domova & Sean Follmer

 Craftspeople as Technical Collaborators: Lessons Learned through an Experimental Weaving Residency
Laura Devendorf, Katya Arquilla, Sandra Wirtanen, Allison Anderson & Steven Frost

 The Next Generation of Human-Drone Partnerships: Co-Designing an Emergency Response System
Ankit Agrawal, Sophia J. Abraham, Benjamin Burger, Chichi Christine, Luke Fraser, John M. Hoeksema, Sarah Hwang, Elizabeth Travnik, Shreya Kumar, Walter Scheirer, Jane Cleland-Huang, Michael Vierhauser, Ryan Bauer & Steve Cox

 Challenges of Designing Consent: Consent Mechanics in Video Games as Models for Interactive User Agency
Josef Nguyen & Bonnie Ruberg

 Investigating Opportunities for Crowdsourcing in Church-Based Health Interventions
Elizabeth Stowell, Teresa K O’Leary, Everlyne Kimani, Michael K. Paasche-Orlow, Timothy Bickmore & Andrea G. Parker

 PneuModule: Using Inflatable Pin Arrays for Reconfigurable Physical Controls on Pressure-Sensitive Touch Surfaces
Changyo Han, Ryo Takahashi, Yuchi Yahagi & Takeshi Naemura

 The Role of Eye Gaze in Security and Privacy Applications: Survey and Future HCI Research Directions
Christina Katsini, Yasmeen Abdrabou, George E. Raptis, Mohamed Khamis & Florian Alt

 Determining the Extractive Casting Mold of Intimate Platforms through Document Theory
Benedict Salazar Olgado, Lucy Pei & Roderic Crooks

 NurseCare: Design and ‘In-The-Wild’ Evaluation of a Mobile System to Promote the Ergonomic Transfer of Patients
Maximilian Dürr, Carla Gröschel, Ulrike Pfeil & Harald Reiterer

 Automated Class Discovery and One-Shot Interactions for Acoustic Activity Recognition
Jason Wu, Chris Harrison, Jeffrey P. Bigham & Gierad Laput