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Please review for CHI 2020!

Submissions to the Papers track of CHI 2020 closed at the end of last week. The 4067 abstracts registered a couple of weeks ago have turned into 3127 complete submissions. The conference continues to grow: there are 161 more submissions to be considered than last year (2966), an increase of 5%.

Associate Chairs are currently in the process of allocating potential reviewers and dealing with papers that are candidates for early rejection. Last year just under 10% of submissions were early rejected; if a similar proportion are early rejected this year there will be around 2,850 papers to review.

Each of these ~2,850 papers will receive at least four reviews. Two ‘external’ reviewers, from the community, and one of the Associate Chair (2AC) will write full reviews. Another committee member (1AC) will write a meta review after the other three are complete. In total this will involve the writing of about 11,500 reviews. This is a huge undertaking completed to tight timescales.

CHI 2020 has received submission from authors with affiliations in 76 countries (that’s nine more than last year).

Each paper submitted creates four reviews. However, we know from previous years that a substantial majority external reviewers complete only one review. The 474 associate chairs in the papers track take on half of the reviewing load, but as the conference grows, increasing numbers of our experienced colleagues take on AC responsibilities. We will still need over 5000 external reviews to be written. ACs have the difficult task of not only providing reviews but finding high-quality reviewers for all of these papers.

We need your help. We expect that all non-student authors of papers submitted for consideration at CHI2020 will volunteer and agree to review.  We also need reviewers to carefully consider each submission, and to provide detailed and thoughtful reviews. Even if you didn’t submit to CHI we hope that you’ll be willing to volunteer your work for the benefit of the field. Please volunteer to review.

When volunteering, please indicate your areas of expertise, as doing so will assist ACs in identifying you as a suitable expert.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.